Krystal Xolo – Coated
Jan Carson
Sloughhouse CA 95683
Phone: 9163575449
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Dont adopt a dog from Janice Carson… We did and have a lot of problems because janice doesn’t breed her own dogs she doesn’t know anything about the puppy she sells you. Our puppy was not socialized at all!! Was and is still afraid of everything, pees and poops in the house and she is now 7 months old… Has a floppy ear and we had to remove her dew claws ( which should have been done by the breeder at birth or very early on and not after 6 months) it has cost us a lot of money and heartache and we would have never adopted her if she would have told us honestly that the dog was so nervous… We had asked her and she said the puppy was very stable… But when we picked her up I noticed she had never even seen the light of day….. She was soooo pale, which was gone after a couple of days in our home…. Stay away or be prepared to spend a lot extra on trainers and replacing furniture because her dogs are almost impossible to house train…. They mark because of the nervousness and fear.