Denning Farms
Tricia Denning
P.O. Box 116
Houghton Ia 52631
Phone: 319-931-3033
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want to know if you have any t-cup yorkies for sale if so can you send pics and price
Could you e-mail me some pics of the puppies you offer?
Denning Farms is nothing more then a PUPPY MILL, that is all, they get govenment money for crops and do not file tax returns on the money TRICIA DENNING MAKES …UNLESS and UNTIL we start the process, we cannot stop GLORIFIED PIMPS LIKE TRICIA HUMANE SOCIETY OR LOCAL NO KILL SHELTER, APPROX 50% OF THE DOGS THERE ARE PURE BREEDS. Trisha Denning and her husband and all her “kin folk” can burn in HELL!!!
Could you gmail picture of yorkie price and size n age please if you have them
Denning farms has violations on their inspection reports which are available to the public also the reports state the number of dogs on site as 249. That’s a puppy mill. She is so easy to adopt from because she doesn’t care who gets the dog and as long as she gets paid for it. She can’t even produce veterinary paperwork on your puppy even though her site says they have been seen by one. Have your dogs legs looked at immediately as well as tested for UTI. If you buy a cavachon make sure starting at a year old you have its heart checked for arrhythmia and murmurs. Try to get information on your puppies parents. Good luck. I was told my dogs dad was hit by a car when I asked for history on the dog. This place is a well disguised puppy mill and cares nothing about the dogs it sells and only that the dogs are selling.