Honeii St.clair!
Olney Stewart
1207 Old Atlantic Ave.
Chesapeake VA 23324
Phone: 757-962-9811
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I teach Kindergarten at Great Hope Baptist School in Chesapeake, VA. We are getting ready to hold our third annual Springfest silent auction/open house event. Each year every teacher must choose a theme for a basket to be auctioned off at our event, which will be held on March 17th. This year, my chosen theme is Pampered Pets. Therefore, I am looking for donations to fill our baskets. We are doing a number of different types of pets, so I am asking for ANYTHING pet related that you would be willing to donate. Each year we have done a different theme, and I always try to think of at least one “big ticket item” that would really up the value of our basket. I am praying that I might find someone who would be willing to donate a PUPPY for our canine basket. I know this is a lot to ask, but I think that if I find the right person, it is not out of the question.
Would you please consider making a donation for this event? We use the proceeds to upgrade our classrooms and facilities to provide a better learning environment for our students.
Thank you for your consideration,
Tracy Wilson
Kindergarten Teacher
Great Hope Baptist School