Misty Hollow Kennels – Yorktese (Morkies), Yorkshires, and Maltese
Box 369
Hepburn Sk S0K 1Z0
Phone: 306 290 4415
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Hi, I am looking to buy a teacup maltese, white in colour, smaller the better, my best friend must be a purebred and as pet stock only. If you have any education tips that one should know about these dogs, I could surely take it. I am 50 plus gramma, retired and on long term disability. So I would be home always. If we need to go somewhere my baby would get all bundeld up and get in the puppy purse or basket and away we go. Please give me an e-mail when you have time, Thanx for listening…Heather I would consider a retiree, like myself…lol
Do you sell adult, house trained dogs? I’m not sure a puppy would be a good fit for me.