TN Yorkies & Poodles @ Penny’s Pups
Penny Horton
Dandridge TN 37725
Phone: 865-397-3586
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Doug and I are looking for a black and tan yorkie poo puppy. We now have a tiny female that is 3 1/2 Lbs. So we are looking for a playmate for her. If you breed puppies this small and will be having a litter this year could you please let us know. Thanks so very much,,,Ruby
Looking for female yorkie poo puppy. Not for breeding my wife likes them and is interested in one for her self. Trying to locate one if you could help.
I am looking for a Poodle, Maltese, or Malti-poo dog for my 89 year old Mother, who is still very active and self-sufficient. She just lost her 13 1/2 old white female poodle recently and needs another dog to love and care for. We are hoping for a white or light colored 8-9 lb. female older pup, young or adult dog. I would so much appreciate hearing from you as to whether you have anything or know of anyone who might. Thank you!