Yorkie & Yorkie Poo babies ALL SIZES
Shelly Martin
Benton IL 62812
Phone: 618-927-3457
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Ifyou have female yorkie puppy please call me at 608-206-0249
I had contacted you last year. We had started purchase on a yorkie. The day before we were to pick her up she hsd gotten sick and you took her to the vet. At that time we agreed not to proceed with the adoption. We were going to call her gypsy. We have often worried about her and wondered if she made it. If you could tell me good or bad it would ease my worry. If she made it and found a home my kids would be happy. We still have her little ting photos of her.
Could you please tell me if you have any Yorkie puppies?
Please email with info and pics if available,
Thanks so much
Hi Shelly,
I purchased a female yorkie from you about 13 years ago, unfortunately she passed about a year ago and I was wondering if you had any female puppies available. Please call me at 630-335-5227,
Thanks Shelly,
JoAnne Wold