Best Home Raised Zuchon Pups in PA
PO Box 624
Adamstown pa 19501
Phone: 717-484-0950
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Interested in speaking with you about your Shichon’s (Teddy Bear pups). Do you have a website you can email me so that I may see your puppies?
Thanks, Stacey
I am interested in your Shichon’s. Please let me know if you have a website that I can see them at.
I am interested in your Shichon’s. Please let me know if you have a website.
Hi Carolyn,
We bought a puppy from you a year ago, you had named him Watson, we renamed him Cooper, he is a wonderful dog. I seem to have lost the information to access your website and I have friends interested in a puppy similar to Cooper. Could you give me the information. Thanks so much.
I would like to know if you have a website that I could look at to see your puppy’s! If you could let me know that would be grateful.
We had a sheltie for 16 years in our family and he recently passed away. We are looking for a new 4 legged family member. I am interested in Zuchons. I live in PA. Please email me your website or information on your puppies. Thank you.
Your website please? Thank you.
Pleasee send me info or direct me to your web site’ I lost my 14 year
old bichon 2 months ago and am going on vacation mar 28-may 5.
I need a zuchon female at some point after that. I love having
a puppy to love. Please let me know if you have some litters
being born in March. Thank you,
I would like information. Please email me if you have a website.
Thank you
Please, if u have any more of these pups please email me, I am extremely interested! Any info/pics u can give me!!
We had a Shichon who just passed away. We absolutely love this breed and would like to get another one. Do you have a website? Do you have any puppies currently or are you expecting any in the future?